Mount Vernon Mansion is located in the rolling, beautiful countryside of Fairfax, on the banks of the Potomac River, Virginia, USA, 24 km from the capital city of Washington DC. The mansion house was built by George Washington's father, in 1742. The mansion is named after British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, commander of the Laurens in the Royal British Army. It was so named by George Washington's older brother, Laurence. After his brother's death, George Washington set about improving the house and estate. After the reconstruction, the home looks more welcoming, and the mansion and the huge plantation are reborn, thanks to his skills as a gardener. George Washington (1732-1799) spent in the beautiful mansion in his spare time as president, and lived here until his last breath.

After his death, the mansion declined until the Mount Vernon Union Ladies Association purchased it and gradually restored it to its authentic appearance. "Mount Vernon has historical significance regarding the life and times of one of the most successful presidents, George Washington, and also for plantation life and culture.

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