Albania is located in the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Adriatic Sea coast. It is one of t...
Europe is the smallest continent after Australia and has an area of 10,180,000 square kilometers and a population of over 730 million people. The eastern border of the mainland is considered to be the Ural Mountains in Russia. The southernmost point is Cape Tarifa, which separates the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. The northernmost point of Europe is Cape Norkin in Norway. The westernmost point is in Portugal - Cape Cabo da Roca, and the easternmost point is in the Kara Sea in Russia and is called Baydaratskaya Guba.
Albania is located in the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Adriatic Sea coast. It is one of t...
Andorra is located in the Eastern Pyrenees. It has majestic rocky ridges with steep, almost vertical slopes an...
Armenia is a landlocked mountainous country. The relief of Armenia is mostly mountainous, and is heavily inden...
Austria is a mountainous country. More than 2/3 of its area is taken by the fan-shaped sections of the Eastern...
Azerbaijan lies on two continents – Europe and Asia. To the east it has a wide outlet on the Caspian Sea...
Belarus is a landlocked country. The larger part of Belarus has a valley and plain relief. To the north is loc...
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a small outlet on the Adriatic Sea. The bigger part of the country is occupied by t...
The Adriatic coast of Croatia is heavily indented. The Dinaric Mountains spread in Dalmatia – the southwestern...
The island of Cyprus is located in the eastern part of The Mediterranean, 80 km south of the Turkish coastline...
The Czech Republic is located at almost equal distances from the Adriatic (322 km) and the Baltic Sea (326 km...
Denmark is the smallest in area but most densely populated country in Northern Europe. It is located on the Ju...
Estonia has over1,500 islands. The largest is the Saaremaa Island. It is distinguished by highly developed sto...
They are located in the Norwegian Sea between Norway, Iceland and Scotland and comprise 18 islands, the larges...
Finland is a maritime country. It was an integrated part of Sweden from 1323 to 1809, and from 1809 to 1917 it...
France is the third largest country in Europe. As per its shape, its territory resembles a hexagon, and that i...
Georgia is located between Europe and Asia. The northern part of the country is occupied by the highest Europe...
Germany is the largest country in Central Europe. A number of islands belong to its territory, the most famous...
Four historical and geographical regions – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, form the Unite...
Greece occupies the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula. The country also has thousands of islands, scat...
Hungary is a landlocked country located at almost equal distances from the North Pole and the Equator. The Dan...
Iceland is located on the largest volcanic island on earth and is the most sparsely populated country in Europ...
Ireland takes up the better part of the eponymous island. Its Atlantic shores are heavily indented by a number...
Italy is located entirely on the narrow and elongated Apennine peninsula. It administers the two largest Medit...
The larger part of Latvia’s area is a moraine plain with rolling heights. The Gulf of Riga is separated from t...
The small principality is 25 km long – from north to south and has average width of 6 km. The valley of the Rh...
Lithuania has a small outlet on the Baltic Sea. Its central part is occupied by a moraine valley, and to the w...
Luxembourg is a small landlocked country. It was founded by Siegfried, Count of Ardennes in 963. Since 1839 it...
The larger part of the area of Macedonia is occupied by the mountain ridges of the heavily branched Macedonian...
The location of Malta in the centre of the Mediterranean has determined it as an important commercial and fina...
Moldova is the smallest and the most densely populated of the former Soviet republics. It is a landlocked coun...
The smallest country in the world after the Vatican is situated on the Cote d’Azur on the Mediterranean, on th...
It is located in Northern Europe and takes up a narrow strip of mountainous and hilly land in the western part...
Poland is located in the northeastern part of Central Europe. To the north it has a wide outlet on the Baltic ...
Portugal occupies the western part of the Iberian peninsula. Northern Portugal is mountainous, covered with fo...
Romania is the largest country in area in Southeastern Europe. Its southern border is the Danube, which connec...
The Russian Federation is the largest in area in the world. Situated on two continents and in 11 time zones, t...
San Marino is the oldest republic in the world, founded in 301. The country is among the smallest in the world...
Slovakia is a small a landlocked country, which was declared an independent country after the peaceful divisio...
The smallest Balkan country, Slovenia, was the first to separate from former Yugoslavia and became an independ...
Spain takes up four fifths of the Iberian Peninsula. The Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and several isla...
It takes up the eastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and a number of islands in the Baltic Sea. The Scan...
Switzerland is a small landlocked country with mountainous terrain. The Alpine terrain is expressed by high pe...
The Netherlands is located between Germany and Belgium, it has a wide outlet on the North Sea and is one of th...
The smallest independent country in the world – the Vatican – is located in Rome and is the Pope&r...
The major part of the territory of Turkey is located in West Asia on the Minor Asia Peninsula (known as Anatol...
Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe after Russia. It borders on seven countries and has outlets on...