Atacama Desert
The Atacama Desert is a narrow plateau, located 1000 km from the Peruvian border in Northern Chile....
The Atacama Desert is a narrow plateau, located 1000 km from the Peruvian border in Northern Chile....
The Bahariya Oasis is located 300 km southwest of Cairo...
Dakhla oasis is the most attractive of the oases in the Western Desert...
Death Valley is located in southeastern California....
The Kharga oasis is the largest of the oases in the Western Desert...
Greenery and peace is Faiyum's Oasis calling card...
Farafra or Al-Farafra is the smallest oasis in Egypt...
The Gobi Desert is a vast, remote and inhospitable wilderness in Mongolia....
The Mediterranean coast of Egypt, from the suburbs of Alexandria all the way west to El-Alamein, there are a l...
Namib is the oldest desert in the world....
The Painted Desert is an area of multicolored desert stretching along the Colorado River from the Grand Canyon...
The area of the Siwa oasis is a green dot in the vast Western Egyptian desert...
The Thar Desert or Great Indian Desert stretches from the Indus and Sutlej rivers in eastern Pakistan to the A...
The Great Western Sand Desert is one of the world's largest sand dune systems. It is located in Algeria....
The Kalahari Desert covers 930 thousand square kilometers of Bostwana, South Africa and Namibia....
The Painted Desert changes colors at all times of the day and is located in the northern parts of South Austra...