Recife, Brazil
The city of Recife is located in northeastern Brazil at the mouth of the Berberibe River on a group of small coastal islands with manganese trees on the Atlantic Ocean. Crossed by many bridges, it resembles the Italian Venice. That is why they call Recife "the Brazilian Venice".
The city was founded in 1537 and translated means "reef". It was an important sugar cane export center. Now Recife has a population of about 1.6 million people, and in agglomeration-3.6 million. The most beautiful and impressive Franciscan monastery in Brazil, the "Golden Chapel", amazes with its lavish decoration.The cathedral "São Pedro dos Clerigues" was built on the model of the Roman "Santa Maria Maggiore". The city museum is located in the fortress of "Cincto Pontas". There are also many museums in the city dedicated to trains, sociology, ceramics, military history, the struggle for the abolition of slavery, etc. Also to be seen in Recife are the beautiful buildings of Marco Zaro Square in the old town. The city of Recife also hosts many festivals One of them is the festival "Festa Junina" , which lasts more than two weeks with fireworks , big bonfires and folk dances.
Recife is also famous for its beautiful beaches such as "Boa Viagem", "Candejas", "Piedade" and "Pina". Diving on one of the many reefs around the town is an unforgettable experience.